Let's Get Growing: An Introduction to Growing Seasonal Food


This is not just a guide; it's your passport to a Kitchen Garden that blooms year-round. Imagine stepping into your garden and plucking the freshest, most flavorful produce each season brings. This guide is here to unveil the art of growing seasonal food, ensuring your table is always adorned with homegrown delights. From cool-season greens to the juicy warmth of summer fruits, we'll explore the beauty of each season's harvest.

Time to Learn the Seasons! Add To Cart

This is not just a guide; it's your passport to a Kitchen Garden that blooms year-round. Imagine stepping into your garden and plucking the freshest, most flavorful produce each season brings. This guide is here to unveil the art of growing seasonal food, ensuring your table is always adorned with homegrown delights. From cool-season greens to the juicy warmth of summer fruits, we'll explore the beauty of each season's harvest.

This is not just a guide; it's your passport to a Kitchen Garden that blooms year-round. Imagine stepping into your garden and plucking the freshest, most flavorful produce each season brings. This guide is here to unveil the art of growing seasonal food, ensuring your table is always adorned with homegrown delights. From cool-season greens to the juicy warmth of summer fruits, we'll explore the beauty of each season's harvest.

It’s time to re-think our Gardening Seasons here in the Cleveland, Ohio are. Rather than think of the seasons like winter, spring, summer, and fall, I prefer to think of them by temperature and put them into the categories of cool, warm, hot, and cold. While every location has a winter, spring, summer, and fall, not all areas have a cool, warm, hot, or cold. Plants grow by temperature and light, not by a designated day on the calendar, so growing plants according to the arc of seasonal temperatures is going to help you have success in your planning.