Our Services

“Hire Character. Train Skill.”
—Peter Shcultz


Whether you have an established garden or are starting from scratch, we begin with a discussion. We will explore and evaluate what your goals and aspirations are for your space. We take into consideration factors such as location, sun exposure, soil and much more. Prior to consultation, we will ask for some details via a questionnaire and some dimensions. We may observe your terrain via Google Earth. With your consultation you will learn about the best placement, maximizing space, soil building, seasonality of plants, and plenty more. Our goal is to remove the guesswork and let you experience the fun and delight of watching your garden grow. During the Consultation, we will discuss your best next steps to set you up for success. This may be receiving a comprehensive list of what to plant when with a seasonal planting calendar, or a custom CAD Design Delivery (*subject to additional cost). You will receive a detailed Estimate based on what your next steps will entail for your Kitchen Garden. We want you to maximize your possibilities.

Design & Installation

Stemming from the consultation, we will determine a garden or landscape bed plan that will fit your space. A custom plan tailored to your needs. This could be potted patio plants to raised bed installation, and many options in between. We work to create the proposed design and estimate for you in a timely manner. You will receive a digital design (to scale), a summary document, suggested plants, project timelines, planting guidelines and so much more. You will be able to choose an approach of installing the garden or landscape beds yourself, hiring us or somewhere in between. If you choose us for installation, we take care of every step so you don’t have to worry.

*Pricing varies per project*

*Virtual Sessions available for Design Delivery*

Custom Planting Day

Schedule your Custom Planting Day for a hands-on gardening experience where you'll learn Intensive Planting Methods, alongside essential tending and harvesting techniques, all while working side by side with our expert Kelly. Together, we'll cultivate your dream Kitchen Garden, ensuring every plant thrives and every harvest is abundant. Get ready to dig in and embark on a personalized journey to green-thumb greatness!

*Reserve your Custom Planting Day for $100 and have that credited towards your Total Invoice*
*Does not Include Cost of Plants and Materials*
*Total Estimate Available Upon Request, please email
kelly@kellyscreationsinthecle.com for Estimate*


Are you facing challenges in your current garden or landscape beds? During a coaching session, we will troubleshoot issues by using methods that have worked in hundreds of gardens. You will learn about proven techniques to deal with pests and disease management. By sharing skills, tools and encouragement, we will turn your ideas & dreams into reality. We want to remove the confusion and give confidence to you to achieve the best results as you grow & maintain your garden or landscape beds.


It takes time for the living elements to mature. Sometimes we all need help, or maybe just a refresh. Kitchen Gardens and Landscape Beds are dynamic, with many plants growing at different times. There is magic in witnessing this, but the task to take care of it can sometimes be overwhelming. We pay attention to the details of what is happening and we take on the heavy lifting of replacing compost and replanting each quarter. Issues with pests, disease or weeks are dealt with. Offering bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly or as needed options. This can be tailored to your needs.

*Pricing for maintenance are subject to tasks and materials needed*

15 Day Plant Guarantee

We guarantee healthy plants upon delivery and during our maintenance period (if you opt for Maintenance). When choosing to care for your own plants, you shall be responsible for their continued health! We are not responsible for losses caused by:

-Extreme and unseasonable weather conditions.

-Neglect to appropriately water, feed, prepare the soil or site for your plant.

-Death or Damage from animals, insects or pests.

**We will gladly troubleshoot plant care or garden concerns with a customized Care (Instruction) Calendar per request, price varies upon number of plants**

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“Beautiful and tasty homegrown veggies, herbs and flowers are a welcomed gift when Kelly visits.”

“My daughter who never wanted to help mom plant flowers has produced so many beautiful gardens now. Go figure!”

—Mimi Crotty—Kelly’s Mom