Welcome to
Kelly’s Creations in the CLE!

We offer consultation, coaching, design, installation and maintenance for urban gardeners, specifically in the Greater Cleveland, Ohio area.

We offer both in-person and virtual follow-up options to suit your needs and provide what is necessary for you to have a beautiful, successful and bountiful Kitchen Garden or Landscape Bed of your own!




Whether you have an established Kitchen Garden or Landscape Bed, or are starting from scratch, we explore and evaluate what your goals and aspirations are for your space.
We help you decide what type of design would be the best fit.


Stemming from the consultation, we will determine a garden or landscape bed plan that will fit your space.
A custom plan tailored to your needs.

One Basic Design Included with Consultation for up to 75 square feet. Larger areas require Custom Design Services.


Coaching, Installation, Planting Plan
Please see Our Services for a further description.


My Journey

Hi! I’m Kelly
After graduating college, I moved out to my own apartment and had some awesome neighbors that planted some beautiful flowers and a few herbs. And that is where it all started! As I watched the transition of the seasons change what was blooming, I developed a deep rooted love of nature, a connection I had been searching for. And that is the key word for me, CONNECTION.

I started small, with some porch pots of herbs and flowers. Once I moved into my house I began with several large planters, managing to successfully grow a variety of vegetables and flowers in the landscaping.

Let’s talk!


Throughout the years I continued to expand my Kitchen Garden, now having around 100 square feet of growing space! As my love of growing my own food, and the connection it provided, continued to take shape, so did my passion for having beautiful and beneficial landscaping.


Even in an urban environment, I wanted to have a heaven for the bees, birds and butterflies. I love the deep sense of accomplishment I feel knowing I’m making a positive impact for our Earth. And with all of that knowledge, I made the leap of faith to start a business around it in 2017, Kelly’s Creations in the CLE.


I became a Certified Garden Consultant and I offer consultation, coaching and design for urban gardeners, specifically in the Greater Cleveland, Ohio area. I provide what is necessary for you to have a beautiful, successful and bountiful Kitchen Garden or Landscape Beds of your own!

What Clients Are Saying

 “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
— Audrey Hepburn